Collecting Antiquities

Classical antiques have been collected since earliest times of mankind. Noble families of the roman empire have built famous collections of antique art, mostly greek pictures and statues. The romans have been the firt who organized art looting and have transported classical greek figures and pictures to Rome and in their noble villas in the country. However, collections certainly have started earlier and over the centuries iit has become part of being a human. 


Classical antiques therefore is the beginning of collecting and it endures up to modern times. The educated collector knows how to combine the modern environment with classical antiques. It is also needless to mention that some modern art has its roots in old times - just to mention Giacometti's figures.


However, buying classical antiques needs much advice in terms of authenticity and value. Prices are market prices and only reflect the buyers possibility and the estimation of the sellers. Therefore, you might get an interesting pice for a reasonable price, but you also can get an uninteresting pice for a price above the value. 

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